
Advocacy & Collaboration

We are dedicated to advocating for clean and safe sport and collaborating with a global network to ensure fair competition and protect athlete well-being, locally, regionally, and internationally.

This includes:

  • Raising awareness
  • Engaging stakeholders
  • Global collaboration​

Through strong local and global advocacy and collaboration, we strive to create a world where clean and safe sport thrives, and athletes can compete with integrity and respect on all levels.

Raising Awareness

We actively raise awareness about the importance of clean and safe sport practices, including anti-doping and safeguarding programs. We educate athletes and the public about the values of fair play and ethical competition within our community and on a global stage.

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Engaging Stakeholders

We collaborate with athletes, sports federations, governments, and other local and regional stakeholders to promote anti-doping initiatives, implement effective safeguarding programs, and foster a safe and respectful sporting environment.

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Global Collaboration

We work closely with regional and international organisations, to share best practices, coordinate efforts; and strengthen the global anti-doping system and safeguard athletes in sports.

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