Empowering Athletes to Compete Fairly and Clean

The Samoa Medical & Anti-Doping Agency (SMADA) is dedicated to empowering the Samoa sports community by providing knowledge and resources to ensure clean and safe sport practices.

Together, let's build a stronger, healthier, and fairer sporting community in Samoa!

Discover How SMADA Ensures
Clean Sports

For Athletes

Pursuing excellence and competing
with integrity

For Coaches

Molding future champions and
nurturing a fair

For Fans

Supporting your team and encouraging spirited competition.

Engaging the Community Through Comprehensive Programmes

Advocacy & Collaboration


Investigations & Enforcement


Together, let's build a stronger,
healthier and fairer sporting community in Samoa!


Help us protect athletes and the integrity of sport. Every time someone comes forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. 


Explore a curated collection of essential resources designed to empower athletes, coaches, and sports enthusiasts. From anti-doping guidelines to safeguarding principles, we’ve got you covered.